The Perinatal Academy Courses

  • "I cannot recommend The Perinatal Academy more...

    …The wide ranging modules and the detail put into each class were incredible. All the educators are so knowledgeable and passionate, they really helped to foster an excellent learning environment. One of the reasons I chose the course was to learn live with other people, and this turned out to be a really important part of my learning. My favourite parts of the course were the specialist modules such as birth rights and inclusivity. The module on building a business was so informative and the support you receive is wonderful”

    Ella - TPA Student

  • "This course has been absolutely amazing!

    … It has been so detailed and interesting! Every module has been fantastic and you receive so much support! I couldn’t recommend this course enough”

    Aisling - TPA Graduate

  • 'In-depth, holistic and truly supportive training

    … If you want to learn about all aspects of perinatal care then look no further - The Perinatal Academy is your go to for guidance as you venture into working as an antenatal educator. I have learnt so much from the team - thank you so much for all the incredible learning!’

    Lucy - TPA Graduate

  • "So much knowledge and enthusiasm

    at The Perinatal Academy! You will not be sorry if you choose their courses. They are so approachable and friendly.
    If you are in doubt about whether it’s the right step for you, have a chat with Sam - she’ll put you right at ease! Highly recommend!”

    Amy - TPA Graduate