Why choose our Doula Program?

The Perinatal Academy Doula program is unique.
It’s a comprehensive mix of on going live training, personal study and development.

Our content is deep and modern, combining the traditional nurturing practises alongside the realities of birthing in our modern maternity system.

Our training team is EXCEPTIONAL. We are a team of experienced, practising birth workers that includes FEDANT-accredited Antenatal Educators, Doulas, Hypnobirthing Instructors, Midwives, IBCLC Lactation Consultants, and more, plus leading voices for Birthrights and the LGBTQ+ community, as well as Perinatal Mental Health and Trauma specialists.

This is the expert network you have access to, guiding you on your Doula journey!

Our Doula program is friendly, warm and welcoming, with ample support and motivation. We are a community so you never feel like you are going it alone, which is priceless.
You will be inspired and supported with practical business set up and plans. There is ongoing learning and guidance where you can pick exactly what YOU need for your new venture, depending on where your strengths lie and where you might need extra support.

We are with you constantly whilst you do the work. This is so important!

See below for what our Doula Program includes…

Our Doula program…

    • Birth Reflections
      Inner Work
      Birth debriefing skills
      What does a Doula do?
      Active Listening
      Being not Doing

  • Full Physiology & Biomechanics of Birth - 4 hours

    • The Birth Environment, Labour Tool Kit, Home Birth & Hypnobirthing Principles - 2 hours

    • Medicalisation of Birth and how we’ve got here, Induction, Pain Relief, Assisted Delivery, Abdominal Birth - 2.5 hours

    • Birth Rights and Consent with Emma Ashworth- 3 hours

    • Cultural Safety with Mars Lord - 3 hours

    • Inclusivity with The Queer Birth Club - 3 hours

    • Giving clients information and advocacy (antenatally and in birth)

    • Supporting remotely in early labour

    • Equipping your clients to know how to support themselves in early labour

    • Knowing when to go to support your client

    • Instincts and emotional support: knowing what is needed - being not doing

    • Physical support & pain management

    • Supporting home birth practicalities

    • When to go to hospital / call the midwives

    • Arriving at hospital / triage

    • Doula role vs midwife

    • Working within the system

    • Making the most of labour ward environment

    • Supporting epidurals

    • Supporting planned and unplanned caesarean birth

    • Options with placenta - and immediate postpartum


    • Working out of the system - free birth

    • Witnessing actual or risk of obstetric violence

    • When the birth doesn’t go to plan

    • Boundaries & managing difficulties

    • What a postnatal journey with a family might look like

    • Practical support: what jobs you can help with

    • Support for mother / birthing parent: holding space, sharing of experiences

    • Safe sleep - how to support with information but without judgment

    • Looking after baby: practical help and info

    • Breastfeeding support

    • Bottle feeding (making up bottles / sterilising etc)

    • Winding techniques

    • Soothing

    • Baby wearing

    • Boundaries

    • When to signpost to other professionals

    • Postnatal mental health

    • Deep dive into Trauma informed support for your families, and for you

    • Crisis Management

    • The client journey from enquiry to saying goodbye to a family

    • Managing enquiries

    • Contracts

    • Antenatal sessions

    • Managing on call life

    • Boundaries

    • Working with a back up doula

    • Shared care

    • Insurance

    • Hands on Practise!

    • Setting up & protecting a birthing space to feel private, dark and safe

    • Using rebozo techniques

    • Counter-pressure massage against the sacrum

    • Supporting with use of a TENS machine

    • Acupressure using a comb

    • Simple massage techniques with or without aromatherapy oils

    • Support with breathing and relaxation of jaw/shoulders

    • Support with changing positions/biomechanics moves

    • Using peanut/birthing balls

    • Personal self care techniques

    • Lunch & social time

    • Goodie Bag

    *Additional cost of £145, £55 if booked with the course. Locations vary between South London/Canterbury. This content will be available in recordings to keep if you don't attend in person.

    • Business & Marketing Live Masterclass, setting up and launching your Doula Business

    • Membership to The Perinatal Collective for ongoing learning, events, and monthly group mentorship

    • Full Reading List

    • Study Pack

    • Doula workbook

    • Doula Handbook

    • Signposting

  • Online only: £1,395
    In person Doula Day: £145
    Booked together: £1,450

    This investment includes ongoing membership to The Perinatal Collective & monthly group mentorship (Other mentorship options are available)