Antenatal & Early Postnatal Diploma


Welcome Zoom & Our Mission
Info on Maternity Services & why independent birth work is vital in today's society

Module 1: Delivered by Lisa Harris - Birth Doula & Antenatal Educator
The Physiology & Biomechanics of Birth

Module 2: Delivered by Rhiannon Frame - Midwife & Hypnobirthing Instructor
The Labour Tool Kit & Environment
The ‘Perfect Birth Environment’
Home Birth
Hypnobirthing Principles

Module 3: Delivered by Rhiannon Frame - Midwife
The Medicalisation of Birth
Induction, Pain Relief, Assisted Delivery
Abdominal Birth

Module 4: Delivered By Emma Ashworth - UK Birth Rights Consultant
Birth Rights - Consent & Advocacy

Module 5: Delivered by Samantha Rae - Antenatal Educator & Postnatal Doula
The Fourth Trimester Parents Postpartum
Perinatal Mental Health, Physical Recovery, Support systems

Module 6: Delivered by Frances Tervet - Independent Midwife
The Fourth Trimester Newborns
Newborn Development, Safe Sleep, Crying

Module 7: Delivered by Hannah Croft - IBCLC Lactation Consultant
Infant Feeding - Breast & Bottle

Module 8: Delivered by AJ Silver - Founder of the Queer Birth Club
Inclusivity Training

Module 9: Delivered by Mars Lord - Doula and Black Birth Activist
Supporting All Births - Cultural Safety

Module 10: Delivered by Samantha Rae - Founder & Antenatal Educator
The Business Masterclass
Fundamentals for your business, Marketing, How you find clients, Google & SEO masterclass, How to launch your business, PR, Pricing and more…

Module 11: Delivered by Samantha Rae - Founder & Antenatal Educator
The Teaching Masterclass
How to teach an antenatal class, lesson check lists, practical kit lists, workshop creation and more…

You receive:

  • FEDANT accredited Diploma in Antenatal & Early Postnatal Education which means you can begin teaching straight away after graduation if you wish!

  • FEDANT accredited Diploma Certificate - you will be able to join the FEDANT national register of Antenatal Educators (parents can search for you here) and benefit from a lower insurance rate

  • Podcasts, Socials & Reading List

  • Antenatal & Early Postnatal Diploma Manual to keep

  • Business Masterclass inc Digital Marketing Training (Google, SEO & Social Media) and importantly how to launch and find your clients

  • Teaching Masterclass

  • 4 x 1 hour coaching calls in the first 12 months after graduation

  • Membership to The Perinatal Collectective for 12 months after graduation.
    The Perinatal Collective is a dedicated community offering ongoing knowledge, information and support. Inclues live interviews with leading voices in the birth world, trainer Q&A's, business content ideas and much more - this is priceless!

    Investment: £1,295 (Payment plans available)

    See course dates below

Antenatal Diploma Course Dates

  • Autumn/Winter 2024 - begins Sept

    FEDANT accredited Diploma in Antenatal & Early Postnatal Education

    Thurs 26th Sept:
    7-8pm - Welcome Circle
    Sun 29th Sept: 1-5pm - Physiology of Birth
    Wed 2nd Oct: 7-9.30pm - The Birth Environment
    Wed 9th Oct: 7-9.30pm - Medicalisation of Birth
    Fri 11th Oct: 9-12pm - Emma Ashworth Birth Rights
    Sat 19th Oct: 10-1pm - The Fourth Trimester
    Wed 30th Oct: 7-9.30pm - Newborn Care & Development
    Wed 6th Nov: 7-9.30pm - Infant Feeding
    Sat 16th Nov: 10am -1pm- Supporting All Births Cultural Safety
    Wed 20th Nov: 6.30 - 9.30pm- Inclusivity Training The Queer Birth Club
    Sat 30th Nov: 1-5pm - Business & Marketing Masterclass
    Wed 4th Dec: 7-9.30pm - Teaching Masterclass

  • Winter/Spring 2025 - begins Feb

    FEDANT accredited Diploma in Antenatal & Early Postnatal Education

    Thurs 20th Feb: 7-8pm - Welcome Circle
    Sun 23rd Feb: 1-5pm - Physiology of Birth
    Wed 26th Feb: 7-9.30pm - The Birth Environment
    Wed 5th Mar: 7-9.30pm - Medicalisation of Birth Fri 7th Mar: 9-12pm - Emma Ashworth Birth Rights
    Sat 15th Mar: 10-1pm - The Fourth Trimester
    Wed 19th Mar: 7-9.30pm - Newborn Care & Development
    Wed 26th Mar: 7-9.30pm - Infant Feeding
    Sat 5th April: 10am -1pm- Supporting All Births Cultural Safety
    Wed 9th April: 6.30 - 9.30pm- Inclusivity Training The Queer Birth Club
    Sat 12th April: 1-5pm - Business & Marketing Masterclass
    Wed 16th April: 7-9.30pm - Teaching Masterclass

  • Spring/Summer 2025 - begins May

    FEDANT accredited Diploma in Antenatal & Early Postnatal Education



Business & Teaching Pack - £495/£795