The Birth Trauma Enquiry Report

Yesterday the Birth Trauma Enquiry report was released. If you want to read it you can do that ​here​ it makes for heavy reading unsurprisingly.

There have been 12 recommended actions outlined, and disappointingly not one of them is focussed on the promotion and support of physiological birth. Samantha Gadsden has written a very blunt IG post which sums up how we at The Perinatal Academy feels about these actions, see that ​here​

We see that the fundamental problem being that the baseline now for perinatal care is medical. Much of the research (like the research into the very worrying OASI bundle) is carried out to try and improve medical birth, not physiological. It's the wrong baseline.

For many seasoned Doula's and Antenatal Teachers these reports can just add to the weariness of hearing the same statements over and over, basically lip service, whilst things keep getting progressively worse and worse. For us here at The Perinatal Academy it's lit a massive fire in our bellies to keep doing what we are doing, which is striving to support the families in our communities so they can go into our current maternity system with their eyes wide open. We can leave 'them' to argue in parliament whilst we work with families 'on the ground'

Don't underestimate the importance of supporting even just one family at a time. It makes a difference.

Antenatal Education is one huge missing piece of current perinatal care, if this report has lit a fire in you also, to want to support parents in your community then we would love to talk to you, no obligation, about what life could look like being an Antenatal Teacher and the first steps to get there.

Why not book a call with us to chat things through. You can do that here

You can be part of the change!


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