How to find the balance…

Let's talk about a topic that's close to our hearts at The Perinatal Academy, finding that sweet spot between running our antenatal businesses and still having quality time for our families. We are not going to lie, the struggle is real! 

We know how this feels so when you train with us, you become part of The Perinatal Collective - this gives you so much support and motivation to help you with the balance.  In the meantime here are some tips to help you navigate this juggling act, which is well worth it:

  • It's crucial to establish clear boundaries between work and family time. Designate specific hours for your business tasks and stick to them as much as you can. When it's family time, be fully present and avoid the temptation to check emails or social media (this can be hard, social media is a real time stealer!) 

  • Don't be afraid to delegate tasks within your business. This can be hard and many of us won't have the funds to pay other people to help us! Teaming up with others, outsourcing certain responsibilities, buying some social media templates or even getting your partner or kids involved (packing goodie bags is something anyone can do) sharing the load can free up precious time for your family.

  • Time is precious, especially when you're running a business and managing a family. Look for ways to streamline things for example creating a bank of blogs, or social media posts and scheduling them.

  • Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup! This means as well as making time for your family and business you need to make time for you. This also can feel difficult, so even making sure you have a lunch break, or a walk each day, and give yourself time off! 

  • Communication is key in both your business and family life. Be transparent with your pregnant clients about your availability and similarly, keep the lines of communication open with your fam. Let them know what you need in terms of support and be willing to listen to their needs as well.

  • Just as you schedule tasks for your business, prioritise family time by scheduling it into your calendar. Having these moments to look forward to is so important for you and them. 

Remember, finding balance is an ongoing process, and it's okay to keep adjusting things as and when you need. Sometimes your family will need you more and sometimes work will be busier. Stay as flexible as you can and you can successfully navigate the demands of running your antenatal business while still nurturing your family life. 

And remember if you are doing this work you are offering much needed incredible support to families at their most vulnerable, you are awesome, so give yourself a break when you need it! 


The Birth Trauma Enquiry Report


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