How much can you earn as an Antenatal Teacher?

Our founder Sam teaching an Antenatal Class in her community

Let's talk money! Obviously when you are thinking about making any change to your career or family circumstances, you have to think about if it is going to work for you financially. We talk about this a lot at The Perinatal Academy, being an Antenatal Teacher is incredible work, it's heart led and so fulfilling but we have to put food on the table and shoes on our feet, and enjoy ourselves! It has to work for your bank balance as well as your heart and mind.

Because this work is so flexible what you can earn looks different from person to person, but we have outlined an idea of what you can expect here (though prices will vary based on location):

Antenatal Course for First Time Parents - £235 per couple - 6 couples per course - £1410

Hypnobirthing Course - £120 per couple

Antenatal Refresher Course - £130 per couple - 3 couples per course - £390

Home Birth Workshop - £59 per couple

Birth Partners Workshop - £59

Preparing to Breastfeed Workshop - £35

Pregnancy Circles - £25pp

Postnatal Circles - £25pp

All courses and workshops can be offered online and privately and you can also tailor your own courses to suit your preferences and community needs!

If you invest in our training we will support you with pricing based on the community you are going to work in. Working hours will vary depending on how many courses you offer and your own circumstances, you get to choose your own hours!

Of course there are costs to consider when setting up and running your antenatal business and these will vary based on your location and circumstances. Examples include venue hire, equipment, insurance and marketing materials. We are so happy to work through this with you on a discovery call, to make sure you have a complete and clear understanding on the financial commitment before you take the next step.

The biggest thing we want you to know is that you should not be doing all of this work for free. I know a lot of birth workers who just want to support EVERYONE and that's wonderful but really difficult to sustain. At The Perinatal Academy we talk about how you can offer free support in your community whilst charging for your services. And that what you offer is well worth paying for!

For more information about our Antenatal Course and what life could look like for you get a copy of our brochure here or book in a chat with us we always love love love to chat about this work!


The Birth Trauma Enquiry Report